Solid Dove RP has relaunched as Elm RP!

Recent site update and looking for people to help with character data

There was an update a day or two ago, it mainly focused on backend stuff for stability but there were a few other changes.

The new stuff

There is now a button on the streamer profile pages so you can let us know if you notice any errors. These can be including but not limited to missing characters, people not being assigned to white list servers appropriately, characters names being changed for whatever reason,character deceased status being incorrect or simply the streamer being assigned to the wrong server or anything else that seems off to you.

I also added a daily tip notification to the stream list page with a few general pieces of information about the site and its features. These can be disabled in the settings via the general tab and if you feel these tips are good but too frequent let me know and I can adjust the interval or make them customisable.

One of the tips does mention we are always looking for helpers, there is a simple web based interface to add characters via the streamer profile pages and to move them to a different server if incorrectly assigned. I may make a blog showcasing these features in future and add an open signup page to become a helper. I don't always have the time to keep the character data up to date and while our staff does what they can they only watch so much content. So if you are interested just join the discord and message me or use the feedback form and leave a contact address. You can add as much as little as you like and your help would be appreciated.

I added The Wack Pack and Aftermath RP as servers on the backend, currently I am not adding them to the menu but they will be listed on the page and information about them will be collected going forward.

Andre Awesome is now staff instead of character admin/helper.

A sneak peak at the backend


Been awhile since I have done any code work for the site but the last round included more features for staff and helpers, a large amount of changes to the java backing app for performance and stability reasons so things should mess up less. I am sure some of you may have noticed in January clips suddenly stopped being updated for a week and that was just a bug I hadn't noticed so hopefully things like that will not happen again.

Some people wonder where the stream data actually comes from, I wrote a java application for myself a long time ago and figured folk would never use it so made a web front end for it. That java app is still the application that drives the majority of the site, the site itself really is just a UI in many senses.


Hope you are all enjoying the site still and let me know if anything is broken or could be improved.


Last updated at 2019-02-08 19:10:13